Why Dr Firas Should Be Your First Choice For Acne Scarring Treatment
Acne Scarring
Acne is a common skin condition that affects 80% of young people between the ages of 11 and 30 due to triggering changes in hormone activity throughout puberty. Consequently, spots form as a result of oily skin and overactive sebaceous glands, usually on the face, back and chest. Other causes include family inheritance, hormone changes throughout pregnancy and the menopause, smoking and certain medications.
Acne can cause scarring when more serious spots, like cysts, burst and damage the surrounding skin. The three main types of acne scar are box scars, ice pick scars and rolling scars. They can be rather unsightly and cause a serious knock to the confidence of many sufferers, but there are treatment options available, some of which are listed below.
The top layer of skin is removed by way of a laser or a special wire brush.
Punch Techniques
Punch excision, punch elevation and punch grafting are all treatment techniques intended only for the treatment of ice pick or box scars. In general, they involve the surgical removal of the scar before the wound is either closed or plugged with a skin sample taken from elsewhere on your body. Punch elevation is slightly different in that the base of the scar is removed and reattached to the sides, level with the skin.
This type of treatment is used to treat rolling scars, subcision involves the removal of the upper layer of skin overlying the skin in order to form a pool of blood under the affected area. As the blood clots it helps to form connective tissue, causing the scar to be pushed up level with the rest of the skin surface.
Laser Treatment
Mild to moderate scarring can be treated using either ablative or non-ablative laser treatment. Ablative treatment is where a small patch of skin around the scar is removed so that new, smoother skin is formed. Non-ablative treatment is where the stimulation of new collagen within the skin helps to improve the appearance of the skin and repair the damage caused by acne scarring.
Dermatologist specialising in the treatment of Acne Scarring
Dr Firas Al-Niaimi is a highly trained and experienced cosmetic and medical dermatologist, specialising in advanced laser treatments. He is world renowned within the aesthetic industry, often travelling across the globe to talk and demonstrate at some of the biggest events in the industry calendar.
His personal approach and strong work ethic has earned the respect of both his peers and his patients. If you are tired of living with acne scarring, Dr Firas can help with advanced laser resurfacing, being one of few UK practitioners that are certified in this type of treatment. He will work with you to create a bespoke treatment plan suited to your individual wants and needs, from consultation right through to aftercare.
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