Spring Skincare 20th April 2023

Dr Firas’s Spring Skincare Tips

How are you enjoying the sunshine? Longer days and milder weather mean it’s time to switch up your skincare. The season of new beginnings is the perfect time to evaluate your daily regimen to make sure it’s really working for your skin. It’s time to talk you through some of Dr Firas’ best spring skincare tips…

Spring Clean

Having a spring clean? Apply it to your skincare! If there’s one thing that this time of year is known for, it’s that ‘fresh start’ feeling, which can motivate you to begin again with your spring skincare routine.

Take your makeup brushes for example – they’re a breeding ground for harmful bacteria if you don’t clean them properly! Dirty brushes can lead to rashes and acne breakouts or even more serious infections. It’s a good idea to wash your brushes every 7-10 days, simply swirl them in a bowl of lukewarm water with a tablespoon of gentle clarifying shampoo. Massage the bristles in the palm of your hand and then leave them to air dry before using them again.

Some brushes might be beyond saving, so the best thing to do for your skin is to throw them out. While you’re there, get rid of any products that have expired! Many of us are guilty of hoarding out-of-date lotions, creams and sprays. Check the jar symbol on each product as that tells you how long (in months) you can safely continue to use the product after it’s been opened.


Now that the harsh winter weather has (hopefully) disappeared for another year, you can focus on eliminating the dull, dry skin that it left in its wake. Use an exfoliating toner a few times a week to lift dead skin cells and debris to reveal new, healthy skin beneath.

However, spring skincare isn’t just for the face, as you’ll soon be bringing your arms and legs out of hibernation as the temperatures continue to increase. These are areas that you might have neglected throughout winter, so show them some love in the shower with an exfoliating mitt.

Whenever you exfoliate, be sure to pat your face and body dry with a soft towel and then immediately moisturise after to lock in hydration.


Speaking of moisturising, your favourite hydrating cream might be starting to feel a bit heavy. If you haven’t separated your winter skincare routine from your spring skincare routine, you’re missing a trick. Your needs change with the seasons, which means the products and techniques you use also need to change.

On the whole, you’ll want to use lighter formulas as the weather gets warmer. Try a gel-based moisturiser as these protect the skin barrier and are absorbed much more quickly, ensuring your skin doesn’t feel sticky and greasy. Lighter products will also help to prevent clogged pores, which is a bigger concern in spring and summer as we tend to sweat more.


Dr Firas’ final spring skincare tip is one that you should already know by now: remember your SPF! This applies year-round as there’s nothing more important than protecting your skin from the harmful UVA and UVB rays from the sun. Even during the winter and on overcast days, UV radiation can penetrate the cloud barrier and pierce through glass windows.

Without protecting your skin, you’re leaving yourself particularly susceptible to premature ageing, age spots and life-threatening forms of skin cancer. Dr Firas recommends applying sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30! Do so 30 minutes before leaving the house and reapply every few hours.

Get Ahead Of Your Spring Skincare

Sometimes, you need a little extra help to look and feel your best in time for the arrival of the sunshine. Now is the time to book your spring skincare treatments with Dr Firas if you want to see the best results ahead of the summer!

If premature ageing is your main concern, ask Dr Firas about HIFU skin tightening, anti-wrinkle solutions and dermal fillers. When it comes to dull, dry skin, nothing beats the unmatched hydrating effects of Profhilo®. Chemical peels are great for lifting away dead skin and restoring a more even and radiant complexion, which can minimise the appearance of age spots.

As a Professor of Dermatology, Dr Firas also offers the most advanced laser treatments available. If you’ve struggled with your skin for a long time and found that nothing has worked, booking a consultation with a world-renowned dermatologist like Dr Firas is the next step. His holistic approach will ensure you finally get to the bottom of your symptoms in a comfortable and reassuring environment.

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